Here are the types of inspections we offer

Pre-sale Inspection

Pre-sale Inspection

Have your home inspected before a potential buyer has a inspection done. This will assure you that no major issues will potentially stop the sell of your home.

Buyers Inspection

Buyers Inspection

Get a inspection done on the home before you finalize your purchase. This will let you know if there is any Heath, Safety, or Major concerns with the home.

Maintenance Inspection

Maintenance Inspection

Having a maintenance inspection done will give you all the information needed to take care of you home now and in the future.

11 month Warranty Inspection

11 month Warranty Inspection

By getting a 11 month warranty inspection you will have time to have the builder fix any issues before the builders one year warranty expires.


Free with Every Full Inspection

  • AHWC 120-Day Limited Home Warranty is for the person(s) selling the home.
  • AHWC 90-Day Limited Home Warranty is for the person(s) purchasing the home.

Additional Inspection Services

Thermal Imaging


We offer Thermal Imaging as an add-on to a home inspection. With a state-of-the-art thermal imaging camera, we can see areas of moisture and unexpected heat levels that can’t be seen with the naked eye. We use this information to locate and diagnose issues in the home.

Moisture Meter


A Moisture Meter is used during all inspections. We measure levels of moisture in suspect areas of the home, allowing us to find specific areas where there may be a moisture intrusion problem.

Gas Detector


A gas detector is used during our inspection to check accessible fittings and lines for evidence of a gas leak and for checking CO leaks within the mechanical equipment.



The use of a bore scope camera for looking into hard to see places like furnaces and any other place where I can't reach.

All Major Credit Cards

We accept all major credit cards

NOTE: We also offer collecting and testing of sample materials for Asbestos and Lead Base Paint.